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Matter of Σ importance. Exhibition at Kaleidoscope Gallery

On the 1st April my exhibition at Kaleidoscope Gallery was to open to the public, followed by a presentation of the work to the Sevenoaks Visual Artists Forum (SVAF). Unfortunately, due to the circumstances around the epidemic of Covid19 the exhibition has been postponed until the same time in 2021. Information related to the exhibition can be found by clicking on the image above if you are reading this via my website. If you are reading this on a different platform then the URL for a search engine is:

I had chosen to assemble works covering all areas of my practice which I hoped would ensure that there would be something of interest to the widest possible group of visitors. Selecting work for the exhibition also allowed me to see connections between some of the two-dimensional works I had completed well in advance of the sculptures and to understand how my concerns at the time had subconsciously influenced subsequent sculpture. The planned presentation of my work to members of SVAF provided me with the opportunity to consider such connections; as to whether my intentions for the works had been communicated could possibly have been answered in a discussion with the members, as well as comments and questions from the public viewing the exhibitioin.

As I was going to be at the gallery for the duration of the exhibition I intended to undertake a new piece of work using a previously made silicone mould. This, I hoped, would have been useful as a means of starting conversations with visitors which might lead to further discussion of my work.

Whilst I am disappointed that the exhibition has been postponed I am grateful to Kaleidoscope Gallery for the guarantee that the exhibition will go ahead next year. The work will remain boxed ready for transportation and new work will be considered for inclusion at that time.

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