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Ferguson and Whyte

Today I had a meeting with Mark Whyte at the showroom and 'Garden Shop' of 'Ferguson and Whyte' Landscape Designers in Hythe. Mark and Sharmayne (Ferguson) had seen my sculptures on my website and asked me if I would exhibit my work in their showroom. My work will be there in a rolling exhibition with works changing regularly and will be for sale.


You can read about their Silver Medal winning garden design 'Not for Sale' at the 2017 Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in the Collaboration page of my website. Take a read by clicking on the button - they produced a courageous, thought provoking garden to draw attention to the awful Ivory Trade.

As you can imagine, the majority of visitors didn't expect to see such a garden at a 'Flower Show' In my opinion, Mark and Sharmayne made a choice to use the opportunity to bring to the attention of the visitors an important environmental issue. The environment, in all its diversity, is surely something that horticulturalists and those concerned with landscape design should all care about. Ferguson and Whyte cared enough to bring the plight of these wonderful animals, decimated by ivory poachers, to the attention of all those who visited the show. Hats off to them and well done on the Silver Medal.

It looks like I will be making regular visits to Hythe; hopefully in better weather than today! Actually Hythe is well worth a visit - not just to see my sculptures of course. Hythe High Street is a pedestrian only High Street, which means browsing the shops on a sunny day is a pleasure. Take in a drink and something to eat perhaps before a visit to the marina or the beach.

Make sure to make a stop at the shop though.


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