A project supported with an Arts Council grant.
On 1st November 2019 I received an email informing me that my application via 'Grantium' had been reviewed and I would receive fund

Ferguson and Whyte
Sculpture sales at the Hythe Garden Shop. alongside many other items for the home and garden.

Visiting Brugge
On Tuesday 16th January Susan and I went on our visit to Brugge, sent packing and paid for by our daughters and their partners as a...

Luxembourg Art Prize
Today I completed my submission for the Luxembourg Art Prize for emerging artists (at 61 years old I suspect I may be the oldest emerging ar

Borde Hill Garden Private View
This evening I enjoyed attending the private view of the 2017 Borde Hill Garden Sculpture Exhibition The sun was shining today and so I...

Exhibitions - May on the horizon!
Well today I should have delivered the last of the work for exhibitions which start in May! April has been a busy month, taken up with...

Installing sculpture at Delamore Arts
Delamore Arts exhibition 2017.

Visiting West Dean College
On Monday I made a visit to West Dean College to meet artist Chloe Dowsett and Emma, the events organiser for the college. I arrived...